22 de agosto às 12:35
Governadora Wilma de Faria, Eduardo Patricio da Multidia e Cintia da Delphi Engenharia e Dr. Paulo Xavier diretor do hospital.
Médicos aproveitam para fazer reivindicações a governadora
Empresários que apóiam a construção do anexo do Hospital Infantil Varela Santiago, Juntamente com a governadora do Estado, visitam as novas instalações.
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9 comentários em “HOSPITAL INFANTIL”

21 de fevereiro às 13:32
Subestação Elétrica São Gonçalo do Amarante beneficiará mais de 552 mil pessoas em quatro municípios
18 de fevereiro às 22:15
Governadora Fátima Bezerra anuncia R$ 23 milhões para o Programa Câmara Cascudo 2025
18 de fevereiro às 09:22
“City Tour” da SOAMAR NATAL, foi sucesso em Barra de Cunhaú, Canguaretama
17 de fevereiro às 16:51
Rio Grande do Norte investe R$ 268,5 milhões na segurança pública
Inserting the latest definition in high school textbooks is one way to minimize confusion in college. Scott Cameron was in the penalty box for two minutes for roughing. It has become almost obligatory to declare that quantum physics, in contrast to classical physics, cannot be understood, and that we should admire its ability to give the right answers without thinking…
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I mean I understand how influential Quentin Tarantino was 14 years ago, and how cool and fun it was to hear quirky, semi obscure, pop culture references instead of the same bland Hollywood crap that still gets shoved down our throats because the focus groups chose it, but it’s not actually smart. Contractors are business people, and if they are able to purchase something at a wholesale or discounted price as business owners of all types do that is part of…
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Information contained in the report allows the supervisors to declare and certify levels of severity for certain resources, such as water in the Nipomo Mesa Conservation Area. This industry should be promoted to the younger generations as a highly regarded career opportunity and the English language should be made a requirement for all Travel&Tourism study…
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“We want it to be simple, and we don’t want to gouge people. Martin Steene re recorded the vocals on the demo and added some new songs, got it re mixed at Søren Jensen’s home studio and ready to show new record labels, that the fire is still burning strong, and show the world that Iron Fire is here to stay. Not really that exciting of a…
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She said the pig fetuses aren’t labeled and the school doesn’t keep inventory. But that is simpler than installing hundreds of tiny Wi Fi nodes all over town. But the new 11n router uses a technology called “metamaterial” which despite the name is not a material. UK’s role in ALMA. The repeaters are prone to instability caused by the feedback…
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“What is this? He said he did not want to speculate on what would happen if someone did swallow metal. “I think it will be handy. Coby Karl, on assignment from the Los Angeles Lakers, finished the game strong, scoring 13 of his team high 21 points in the final quarter. There’s major disappointment because…
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